
I am a pianist and keyboardist and i sell intrumental piano and keyboard albums on the internet which can be purchased on all major sites like amazon, itunes and spotify. I graduated from Temple University with a degree in Jazz/Studio Composition and Arranging and I've been playing solo piano and playing in bands since 1977. Below you can find out more about all of my projects below.

Merry Christmas Piano
To purchase my latest album, Merry Christmas Piano, you can click 'shop' below or visit your favorite app like itunes or spotify. My new album is perfect to play on Christmas morning while handing out gifts or at Christmas parties.
It is merry and fun and will get you in the holiday spirit!
Custom lyrics to match the album can be downloaded here so you can sing along. Also, you can listen to previews on this site as well. Hear Now!

Starlight Piano
Starlight Piano has songs that have subject matter of stars and the night and romance. It is positive and magical. It has jazz standards, pop songs and even some rock.

Twilight Piano
Contemporary romantic piano versions of popular songs where the subject matter and/or song titles and lyrics have to do with sunrises and sunsets and all of the color associated with them. Very uplifting and romantic.

Moonlight Piano
The songs on Moonlight Piano are perfect representations of the different styles throughout the history of classical music. If you were ever to purchase only one album that represents the greatest romantic classical piano pieces of all time, Moonlight Piano would be that one.

Piano videos
***NEW*** Just added!. You can now listen to my piano albums free! You tube and CDBaby teamed together and posted all of my albums on you tube so check it out. But please still help me out and buy my albums/songs if you like them.

Mailing list
I am starting a mailing list to send out announcements like when i release new albums. For the first 25 people to sign up, i will send a free mp3 download of my album Starlight Piano. Click below and mention that you want to join the mailing list in your contact notes.

Recently i was the keyboard player and band leader and singer of a band out of Central PA called Wyred. We were a female fronted six piece contemporary rock band (not heavy metal but close) and play a couple songs for each decade and style but probably mostly 80s rock. I also lead sing, play sax and harmonica.

Virtual Cathedral
Virtual Rick Wakeman meets virtual Neil Peart. A haunting tribute to the father of keyboards, Johann Sebastian Bach. Virtual Cathedral is an original arrangement of Bach's tocatta in Dm which is used by all of the haunted house's in the world. In the middle section I wanted something simlar to the Exorcist theme Tubular Bell's so I wrote my own original composition filled with scary strings and sound effects.

Virtual Unknown
Virtual Unknown is a version of an original song i wrote called Fanfare for the Unknown Soldier. Made in my studio with computer samples of real instruments AKA 'virtual' sampled sounds. Fanfare is one of my main intrumental songs from my yet to be released rock opera. This project is over 75% complete in my head but it is taking a life time to write down and record. It is supposed to be similar to a Quadrophenia type rock opera and the star is an unkown soldier who is brough back to life.

Keyboard videos
***NEW*** Just added!. You can now listen to my keyboard albums free! You tube and CDBaby teamed together and posted all of my albums on you tube so check it out. But please still help me out and buy my albums/songs if you like them.

Studio set up
I currently use Cakewalk Sonar X3 and own all IKMultimedia's virtual synth and effects studio plugins (among others). I use a Cakewalk Pro500 as my DAW controller keyboard. I also use Synthogy Ivory pianos when i record my piano albums. I am finished recording my next album Christmas Piano and working on a second version of it with vocals to be released at the same time later this year.
Prelude in C#
Posted April 20th, 2016
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Every now and then i record the songs that i am learning like this one from Bach called Praeludium III (Prelude 3 in C#) which i did with synthezier sounds rather than on piano. I made this video while recording Moonlight Piano which has this song on it.